Victoria Vintage Buy & Sell Group

General Posting
A buy and sell page for vintage lovers in Victoria, BC 🌻
Items that may be posted in the group include:
1. Housewares (glassware, clocks, decorative accents, rugs, etc)
2. Furniture (pre 1990s)
3. Clothing and accessories (belts, hats, shoes, jewelry, glasses, etc)
4. Vinyl, cassettes, and analog music gear
5. Video games, VHS and comics
6. Analog cameras and film
8. Handmade items for the home (no cosmetics or food please)
9. Vintage paintings, prints, and paper goods
10. Open to suggestions – run it by me!
Please post well lit photos of your items and include dimensions before posting whenever possible. This saves a lot of time and energy for everyone 🙂
Individual members can choose whether to sell items on a first come first served basis or by order of interest.
Please research your items and keep prices reasonable ✿
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