A warm welcome to you from Natural Born Prepper!
My wife and I created this entire website for people like you who want to come together to help one another become more independent and self-sufficient, and build ‘communities’ of like-minded people who will plan and prepare for the inevitable difficult times ahead.
Prepping Communities was built for Preppers and Homesteaders who want to connect, prepare and share information. Membership is always free and allows you to connect with other Members, join different Groups, and create or find Postings in our library to find information on just about anything to do with prepping and homesteading.
You can also take over 85 different Quizzes to test your skills, view many of the Maps to find things like the best bugout places in your area, and now, use the Prepper Watch feature to find out what the greatest threats are today and in the near future, and how to prepare for them.
While many groups are focused entirely around prepping and homesteading, some Members have decided to create Groups for other purposes such as Outdoor Clubs, Families, Friends, and Events. For example, a fishing club, a weekly hiking group, a family group or group of friends wanting to stay in connected.
Prepping Communities has become a social platform for Preppers and Homesteaders who want to connect, prepare and share information privately and securely. To find out more, see our About Us.
Built In Security, Privacy and Anonymity
The benefits of using Prepping Communities over those other websites, and even other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and others is simple. We do not (and will not) share your personal and private information.
Additionally, many Members want to remain anonymous and do not want their whereabouts, nor other information about them, shared with other people. Other Members don’t mind sharing ‘some’ personal information in order to contact one another, conduct business, or share information.

Prepping Community Members allows you to determine what level of anonymity and privacy you want to use to Connect, Prepare and Share information with other Members in your local community, nationally, and even globally. Security, privacy and anonymity is a core feature of Prepping Communities.
You determine how much information you want other Members to know about you when sharing your profile, joining groups and submitting posts.
Membership is Free
Everything on our platform, except for advanced functions, can be done using our free Silver Membership. We optionally provide Members the ability to upgrade to a Gold Membership (for a small monthly fee) to allow our Members to create and manage their own Community Groups, take advanced Quizzes and Tests, view advanced Maps specific to your locations, and dive deeper into ‘Prepper Watch’ to see how to prepare against threats facing us today. Compare Our Membership Levels
If you want to help support Prepping Communities, and truly help other people to connect, prepare and share information, please upgrade to a Gold Member and begin creating and manging your own Group.
For the time being, we are also accepting donations. Please donate if you can to help us support and grow Prepping Communities. Once our Gold Memberships increase to a level to pay for supporting our website, we will remove this donate button.
To become a Member now click here.
To find out more about Prepping Communities, click here.
Thank-you for using and supporting Prepping Communities!