USA Barter Hub (connection portal on Telegram)
A connection portal on Telegram covering all 50 states on Telegram
Barter, Sell and Trade products and services. If you have something or provide a service, see who needs that product or service and arrange to sell, barter or trade.
A connection portal on Telegram covering all 50 states on Telegram
Florida Barter Hub (connection portal on Telegram) https://t.me/FloridaBarterHub
Big Bear Tools Big Bear Tools was founded in 1999 with the intention of bringing the highest-quality edge tools and edge tool-related products…
Test Your Skill – Take a Quiz on Alternative Currencies Introduction In an era of economic uncertainty and the growing desire for self-sufficiency,…
After owning a local restaurant for 18 years, my husband and I moved to the country and started my life long dream of…
Honey & Beeswax Products In August 2017 we made the decision to get two bee hives to help pollinate our pumpkin patch. In…
Never had chickens but wanted to start raising chickens for eggs. Now by the grace of God we are happy owners of a…
We are a Primarily off grid Homesteading couple in our 30s. we have ten acres of woods surrounded land that backs up to…
Our Motto “KNOW YOUR FARMER, KNOW YOUR FOOD” There are many buzz words surrounding food: organic, natural, grass-fed, non-gmo, cage-free, and local to…
We are trying our hand at making boersoap. It’s been going well. LINKS Prepping Communities