General Information
We think it is important in this day and age to take a stand for what you believe in. You have a lot of choices when shopping online and we feel that it’s important for you to know what we believe in.
We believe that we could all be a little better prepared with an emergency food supply. We also know that if you are fortunate enough to never have an emergency that you should store food you’ll love to eat! Read our label and you will simply find All-Natural Ingredients. No preservatives. No GMOs. No hydrogenated oils. No artificial colors or flavors. No Fillers Ever – just nutritious wholesome food that is ready for dinner tonight or long-term storage so that you can be ready for anything.
We believe that taste matters. Sample any of our proprietary recipes and we think you’ll agree that the home cooked taste is second only to what mom used to make.
We believe in storing high-quality nutritious food. Call us for a free sample!
Valley Food Storage
115 W Bartges ST Suite 401
United States