Using a “Producer Gas” Generator to Create Electricity


By Gene Townsend

While many people today search for a sensible form of alternative energy to produce electricity, one very old method has been all but overlooked. It is a method especially suitable for people desiring to live in remote areas, beyond the reach of power lines, and it is much less expensive than other forms
of alternative energy. It is the conversion of biomass fuels to electricity. The concept of converting biomass fuels, such as wood, straw, corncobs, coal, peatmoss, etc. into electrical energy is very old. Naturally, one would think of burning these fuels to raise steam for a steam plant, or operate a Stirling or other heat engine. Most people who produce their own home power have need for only a few kilowatts of generated electricity. Steam plants in this size are very inefficient (5 to 10%) as well as dangerous and expensive. Stirling engines are either similarly inefficient or very expensive and nondurable. Take your
pick. With either of these, the smoke and soot will coat your equipment and require constant cleaning. There is a better way.
