The Household Cyclopedia


An American guide to housekeeping compiled by physician and author Henry Hartshorne M.D.

VOLUME ONE of TWO Originally published in 1881 The Household Cyclopedia of Knowledge was compiled from various contributors by Dr, Hartshorne as a means of distilling the most useful skills, knowledge, instructions, and recipes of his time. This knowledge is what allowed people to live relatively comfortable lives, and it is the same knowledge that would be needed to survive when, not if, our society collapses.“ In truth, the present volume has been compiled under the feeling, that if all other books of Science in the world were destroyed, this single volume would be found to embody the results of the useful experience, observations, and discoveries of mankind during the past ages of the world. ”Henry Hartshorne MD While there are many books on homesteading, prepping, and survival that provide similar information, few contain the completeness of the current work.

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