Common Edible Mushrooms
by Clyde M. Christensen© Copyright renewed 1970 by Clyde M. Christensen Mushrooms have long been regarded all over the world as the most…
A Guide to Missouri’s Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms
by Malissa Briggler, Missouri Department of ConservationContent review by Patrick R. Leacock, Ph.D. Front cover: Morels are the most widely recognized edible mushroom…
Mushrooms: From Forest to Plate
OSU Tree School 2012 Presented By: Elan Hagens of Temptress Truffles What you will learn during thisclass!!Mushroom safetyIntroduction to NW edible fungiEco-friendly harvesting…
Field Guide to Common Macro-funging Eastern Forests and Their Ecosystem Functions
United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Northern Research Station General Technical Report NRS-79.The Authors: MICHAEL E. OSTRY, research plant pathologist, U.S. Forest…