How to Use the Maps Feature

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Using Maps is a convenient and powerful way to find things geographically in your local area or abroad.

You can use Maps on Prepping Communities to find important things preppers and homesteaders need to know:

  1. Find Members Using Maps
  2. Find Groups Using Maps
  3. Find Posting Using Maps
  4. Find Best Places to Survive Off the Land
  5. Find Best Places to Live vs Worst – According to Crime Statistics
  6. Find Reported and Forecast Food Shortages
  7. Find Best Bugout Places
  8. Find Foraging Zones
  9. Find Natural Disaster Risk Map
  10. Find Prepper Maps by State and Province in North America

To use any of the Maps above, select the Maps menu item from the Resources Menu as shown in the diagram below.

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Select a Map

There are a large number of maps available to members. The Maps page shows a list of all maps. Select a map to go to that page. Click on the Map Page link in the top right to return to this page.

A list of all maps available is shown in the following diagrams.

Members Map, Group Map and Postings Map

Best Places to Survive Off the Land (by Province / State), Best Places to Live vs Worst – According to Crime, Reported and Forecast Food Shortages

Best Bugout Places (by State and Province), Foraging Zones Map (By State and Province).

Natural Disasters Risk Map (By State and Province)

Prepper Maps (by State and Province)

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Member Map

Group Map

Postings Map

Best Places to Survive Off the Land

Best Places to Live vs Worst – According to Crime

Best Places to Live vs Worst – According to Crime

Reported and Forecast Food Shortages Places

Best Bugout Places

Foraging Zones Map

Natural Disasters Risk Map

Prepper Maps

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