This links below describe each of the Prepping Communities Menu Items. For step-by-step instructions on how to do things (like Add a Posting, Send a Message to Another Member, etc.) visit the How To page.
Click on a link below to see what that menu item does.
This menu item takes you to the home page for this site. If you forget where you are or just want to start all over, click on the Prepping Communities title at the top, or click on the Home menu item.
The home page displays the most Recent Postings and Featured Postings. Click on the blue link to display that Posting. Enter some text in the ‘enter text here’ field and click ‘Find Posts’ to find postings that match your search criteria.
If you are a Member and logged in, the home page will also display Google Map showing all Prepping Community Groups and Members around your current location.
Click on the map pins to show Member information. Click on the purple boxes to show Community Group information. Click on the Visit Me link to go to the Member or Group Profile.

About US
The About Us menu item displays a page that describes Prepping Communities mission, who we are and who should become a member and use this website. It also contains a short Personal Message from the creators of Prepping Communities.

How To
The How To menu item is probably the most important menu item for beginner users of Prepping Communities. How To will provide guidance on how to use Prepping Communities to do important things things such as; How do I Register and Join Prepping Communities, How do I Change my Profile, Add a Posting, Find and Connect with Other Members, Join Community Groups, etc…

Change Password
This menu item allows you to change your password.
Go there now – Change My Password

Contact Us
Use this menu item to contact us. Fill in the form and an email will be sent to us. Use it to ask a question or provide feedback. Tell us what you like and dislike about our website.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Go there now – Change My Password

My Groups
Use this menu item to see all the Community Groups you belong to. Everyone is subscribed to the Global Community Group when you register.
Click on the Group link or the ‘Detail’ button to go to the detail page for that Group.
Enter a value in the Search area to find Groups matching your search.
Click on the cogwheel to see what other things you can do with that group without going to the Group detail page. For example, you can go to the Group Wall, Manage the Group (if you are the Group Owner) and Leave that group. Don’t worry if you leave a Group by mistake, you can always re-join that group later.

New Group
Only Gold Members can add Groups.
If you are a Gold Member, use this menu item to add a new Prepping Family or Community Group. Groups can be Open (public) or Closed (private).
Open Groups (public) allow anyone to Join the Group easily by clicking the Join button on the Group Detail page. Closed Groups (private) require you to make a request to join the Group where the Group Manager will either accept or decline your request.
This page also allows you to provide an image for the group, set limits on the number of members and provide a location where the Group will be displayed on the Group Map.

Find Group
Use this menu item to find Groups. Enter your text in the Search text area to filter Groups to match your criteria. Use the drop down to sort you list by Newest, Oldest, etc. Once you find the Group you are interested in, click on the ‘Detail’ button to go to that Group Detail page which will show more information about that Prepping Community Group.

Popular Groups
Use this menu option to find Groups which are most popular. Some of the more popular Groups are;
Emergency Preparedness Group, Energy & Alternative Energy, Radio & Communications Group, Food Group, Health Group, News & Current Events Group, Security & Defense Group, Shelter & Homesteading Group, Survival Group, Transportation & Mobility Group, Water Group, Wealth Group, and Health & Wellness Group
These popular groups contain a wealth of information provided by members belonging to these Groups. We are always looking for Members who are subject matter experts and would like to manage these groups. If you are interested in being a Group Manager for a Group, email us at admin@preppingcommunities.com and we will get back to you.
Group Map
Use this menu item to find Prepping Community Groups using Google Maps. Using Google Maps allows you to find Prepping Community Groups in your area or across the country.
Enter a value (such as an address, city or town) in the Find Your Area search box to use Google Maps to find that area. All Public Groups located in that area will be displayed as a purple box. All Private Groups will be displayed as a pink box.
Click on the purple or pink box to display information about that Group. Click on the ‘Visit Me’ link to go to that Group Detail page where you can elect to join that group, see other Members in that Group, view Events for that Group and view the Group Wall information.

Group Member Map
Use this menu item to find Prepping Community Groups and Members using Google Maps. Using Google Maps allows you to find Prepping Community Groups and Members in your area or across the country.
Enter a value (such as an address, city or town) in the Find Your Area search box to use Google Maps to find that area. All Public Groups located in that area will be displayed as a purple box. All Private Groups will be displayed as a pink box. All Members are displayed with the blue pin. Clusters (indicated with a number) indicate there are more than one Group or Member in that area. Click on a cluster to zoom in or use the plus/minus signs to zoom in on your own.
Click on any of the items to display information about that Group or Member. Click on the ‘Visit Me’ link to go to that Group or Member Detail page.
If you click on a Group ‘Visit Me’ link, you will be taken to that Group Detail page where you can elect to join that group, see other Members in that Group, view Events for that Group and view the Group Wall information.
If you click on a Member ‘Visit Me’ link, you will be taken to that Member Profile Detail page where you can view information about that user such as other Groups that member belongs to, Profile information , Reviews and even make Friend Requests.
Go there now – Group Member Maps

Use this menu item to Chat with other members Individually or in Group Chats. Prepping Communities is all about connecting, in fact, the first word in our tag line is connect (Connect – Prepare – Thrive).
For a full description of how to use the Chat feature, visit the How To page.

My Profile
Use this menu item to manage your profile on Prepping Communities. This page is one of the more important pages for you as a Member. In it, you can manage the Groups you belong to, manage your Profile, Account, Friend, Messages and Messages. You can also see your Map Location, view Events you are booked for, see all notifications and reviews. Each of these are described below.
To use the My Profile page, select a menu link which will display a detail area consisting of different information for each menu item. Go ahead and try it now. Click on Groups, then Chat, then Profile, then Account then Friends, etc. to see how it works.

Find Members
Use this menu item to find other Prepping Community Members. Enter a value in the search box to filter members in the results area. Once you find a Member, click on the Member’s name or their picture to go to that Members Profile where you can find out other information about that Member, make friend requests, send Messages, etc.

Member Map
Use this menu item to find Prepping Community Members using Google Maps. Using Google Maps allows you to find Prepping Community Members in your area or across the country.
Enter a value (such as an address, city or town) in the Find Your Area search box to use Google Maps to find that area. All Members are displayed with a blue pin. Clusters (indicated with a number) indicate there are more than one Member in that area. Click on a cluster to zoom in or use the plus/minus signs to zoom in on your own.
Click on any of the items to display information about that Member. Click on the ‘Visit Me’ link to go to that Member Detail page.
Click on a Member ‘Visit Me’ link to be taken to that Member Profile Detail page where you can view information about that user such as other Groups that member belongs to, Profile information , Reviews and even make Friend Requests.

Add New Posting
Use this menu item to Add a New Posting. You can add different types of pre-configured Postings. For example, Add a General Posting, Add a Community & Social Events Posting, Add a News & Current Events Posting, Add a Sell, Barter & Trade Posting, Add a Report Shortages (Where to Find) Posting.
We hope to add more posting types later but use the General Posting now if you cannot find a specific type of Posting to create.
Each Posting type might contain different information but all Postings will have at least a Title, a Description, and an Image. Use the Content editor to make your Posting visually appealing.
Other Postings types may require you to add a Date, a Location, etc.
Go there now – Add New Posting (General Posting)

My Postings
Use this menu item to manage your Postings. Once you have added a Posting you can use this menu item to Edit the Posting, Delete the Posting and View the Posting.

My Bookmarked Postings
Use this menu item to show your list of all Bookmarked Postings.
As you search, find and view Postings on Prepping Communities you can bookmark (while viewing it) and add it to your list of bookmarked Postings. In that way, you can maintain a list of your favorite Postings which is displayed by this menu item.
At the bottom of each Posting is the Bookmark link. Click on this link to add it to your bookmarked favorite Postings. You will be asked to place it in a category or add a new category.

Then, select the My Bookmarked Postings to display the following page. Click on any of the Bookmark Categories links to see your favorite Postings. Click on any of the Postings.
Go there now – My Bookmarked Postings

Most Bookmarked Postings
Use this menu item to display a list of the most popular bookmarked Postings by everyone. Viewing this page shows you not only what are the most popular Postings, but also which Postings people believe to be important enough to save in their favorites.
The most bookmarked Postings are ranked most to least with the number of times a Posting has been bookmarked in brackets beside the Posting.
Go there now – Most Bookmarked Postings

Find Postings
Use this menu item to find Postings. Although you can find Postings using the main menu navigator, we added in this menu item as another way to find Postings. Use either, the resulting found Postings will be the same. Don’t forget to bookmark your favorite Postings!

Latest Postings
Use this menu item to find the Latest Postings. All Postings will show the posting dates.
Go there now – Latest Postings

Postings By Topic
Use this page to find Postings by Topic. All topics are displayed on the right side of the page.
Go there now – Postings By Topic

Online Resources
Use this page to show a list of Online YouTube Channels. Click on the blue category button to show our favorite online prepping channels in each category.
Go there now – Online Resources
This list is by no means complete. If you would like to add other recommended YouTube channels to our list please email us at admin@preppingcommunities.com

Use this menu item to show a list of recommended books. Click on the blue category tags to see books in each category.
This list is by no means complete. If you would like to add other recommended books to our list please email us at admin@preppingcommunities.com

Use this menu item to find a list of recommended prepping related websites. This list is by no means complete.
If you would like to add your website to our list please email us at admin@preppingcommunities.com