Enfants and very small children would be the first victims of starvation during and after a pandemic, unless special preparations are made on their behalf. They need foods that are more concentrated and less rough. Most American mothers do not nurse their infants, and if a family’s supply of baby foods were exhausted the parents might experience the agony of seeing their baby slowly starve. Under unsanitary conditions, it is safer to make a formula 3 times a day. To do so, add 1/3 cup plus 2 teaspoons (a little less than one ounce) of instant nonfat milk powder to 1-1/3 cups (2/3 pint) of boiled water, and stir thoroughly. Then add 1 tablespoon (about 1/3 ounce, or 9 grams) of vegetable oil and 2 teaspoons of sugar, and stir. (If regular bakers’ milk powder is used, 1/4 cup is enough when making one-third of the daily formula, 3 times a day.) If baby bottles are not at hand, milk can be spoon-fed to an infant.