Community Guidelines

Prepping Communities has a set of Community Guidelines that outline what type of content isn’t allowed on Prepping Communities. These policies apply to all types of content on our platform, including, but not limited to, postings, images, videos, comments, links and thumbnails.

We enforce these Community Guidelines and apply them to everyone equally – regardless of the subject or the creator’s background, political viewpoint, position or affiliation.

Our policies aim to make Prepping Communities a safe community to allow members and groups to interact freely and provide content to share a broad range of experiences and perspectives about Prepping.

Prepping Communities will not allow spam and deceptive practices, sensitive content, violent or dangerous content, sale of restricted or regulated goods, or any other content which is deemed illegal or restricted. Prepping Communities, at it’s sole discretion, reserves the right to remove any user, member, group, content, posting, or any other content on the website which violate these terms and conditions.

Spam and deceptive practices

Prepping Communities does not allow fake engagement or impersonation by members or groups. Prepping Communities does allow changing your name and other information such as map location to enable anonymization of it’s members. Changing your personal information should not be intended for fake engagement or impersonation of another person.

Prepping Communities does not allow the use its services for the purposes of Spam, deceptive practices or any other scams against Prepping Community members. Prepping Communities does allow links on postings to contain links to other websites for the purpose of promoting that website within reason. For example, Postings with too many external links will be removed.

Any fake engagement or impersonation by a member should be reported to immediately.

Sensitive content

Prepping Communities does not allow content that would be deemed sensitive such as content associated to child safety, nudity and sexual content, suicide and self-harm, vulgar language or any other content which represents the health and safety of it’s members. Content will be deemed sensitive at the sole discretion of Prepping Communities.

Any use of sensitive content should be reported to immediately for removal.

Violent or dangerous content

Prepping Communities does not allow harassment or cyberbullying of its members. Any harassment should be reported to immediately.

Prepping Communities by the nature of the website may contain information which may be deemed sensitive or dangerous content to some people. Prepping Communities will strive to keep all illegal content off the website, including dangerous and hateful content, information asscoiated with criminal organizations, or violent or graphic content. If you find content on Prepping Communities which violate these conditions, please report in to immediately.

Regulated goods

Prepping Communities does not allow the promotion, sale or advertisement of regulated or illegal goods or services. Any violation of this condition will be dealt with immediately and the member will be removed from Prepping Communities. Members may however provide links in Postings to external website which are beyond our ability to enforce these restrictions. When Prepping Communities uncovers an externa link to a site which violates our Terms and Conditions, Prepping Communities will request the member remove the external link.


Prepping Communities does not allow the use of misinformation. Unfortunately, misinformation is difficult to define and more difficult to monitor and moderate. As such, Prepping Communities will make every effort to moderate any misinformation, including misinformation associated to political or medical information.

If you see any information you would consider misinformation, please report it to

If anyone, at anytime, sees a violation of our Community Guidelines mentioned above, or if you would like to see us add additional guidelines, please email us at

