
General Information

Grow healthy food year-round, regardless of season – no sun, soil, or green thumb required!

Our Story

Let’s go back to circa 2000…

People were not growing produce inside their home, and if they were, they tended to use traditional outdoor gardening solutions. There were no consumer-friendly grow lights, seed pods, simple nutrients, or pH buffers.

Seeing a new opportunity sprout in the market, the AeroGarden team sat down to conceptualize a complete countertop gardening system featuring everything someone would need for a fail-proof gardening experience. After three years in development converting NASA-tested aeroponic technology into a simple, low-cost product for the mass consumer market, the first AeroGarden was launched on March 1, 2006.

No dirt, no mess, no green thumb needed.

Fast forward 20 + years, AeroGarden has stood the test of time, being the O.G. (original growers) of indoor gardening systems hundreds of thousands of people have loved having in their homes. As a product that not only supports healthy living and growing confidence in its customers, AeroGarden has taken pride in gifting ANYONE the joy of gardening at home with its easy-to-use systems.

When we started thinking about a complete indoor gardening system in the fall of 2000, there was nothing like it on the market. We had to invent everything about a countertop gardening system and the “experts” all told us we couldn’t do it and make it work on a kitchen counter! But we just kept solving problems and four years later we launched. Looking forward, we know that the work we’re doing now will change the way food is produced in the future, making food healthier, tastier, more reliable, more local and safer than ever.

-John Thompson, AeroGarden creator


Prepping Communities
