How to Add or Change a Group

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Adding a Group is easy on Prepping Communities but you will need to be a Gold Member to Create a Group. For instructions on how to become a Gold Member, click here: How to Become a Gold Member. To upgrade to a Gold Membership now, click here: Become a Gold Member.

Create New Group

A Group can be created for any number of reasons – not just Prepping. Members have created other types of community related groups, such as families, clubs, organizations and events. For example, Groups like the Smith Family Group, the Kamloops Fishing Club, Mikes Hiking Group, and the Smith Family Reunion. Create a Group that will bring together people into something you are passionate about, and they will join you group.

To create a Group, select the Create New Group from the Groups drop-down menu as shown below.

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Fill in the New Group form as shown below and click the Save button.

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Group Name (Required): enter the name of the Group you would like to create. Use the Find Groups (How to Find and Join Groups) to make sure the Group name does not already exist. .

Group Type (Required): Select the Group Type. Open (Public) means the Group will be available to everyone to Join. Closed (Private) means the Group is private and Members need to send you a request to Join. In most cases, select the Default Open (Public).

Group Description (Required): Enter a brief description for the Group. This description will be shown when people search and find your Group and is used to entice people into joining your Group. Don’t make it too short but don’t make it too long. Use about 10-20 words for best results.

Group Icon (Required): Use the Choose File button to upload an image to represent your group. This is the image that people will identify your Group with so choose something relevant to your Group name and description.

Membership Limit (optional): Check this box to set a limit on the number of Members. In most cases you do not need to check this box, however if you want to set a limit on the number of Members who can join your Group, check this box. You will need to fill in the maximum number of Members for the limit, and provide a message to Members if the limit is exceeded.

Display a Message After Registration (optional): Check this box if you would like to display a message to Members after they Join your Group. If you check this box, you must also provide the message. Choose something like ‘Welcome to the _____ Group! Thank-you for Joining. The Group Manager is ____ and you can reach me at _____ if you have any questions or need help with this Group.’

Group Location (Required): A location is required for every Group. In most cases you should provide a full address for the Group but if you want to supply the minimum amount of information, you must proved at least a City, State and Country.

The Group Location is used to show your Group on the Group and Group Member maps and allow people to find your Group geographically.

NOTE: Don’t forget to click the Save button. After adding or changing your Group location, it may take several hours before your Group is actually updated on a map.

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Edit Group

To edit or change your Group information, click on the Edit button on the top right, or click on the Group link from the Group Manager menu. You must be a Group Manager to make changes to your Group.

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Fill in the Group Name, Group Description and Group Address as described in the section above. Click on the Submit button to save your changes.

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