360 FST – Firearms Safety Training

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At 360 FST we are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of firearms training in Southern California. Our courses are designed for shooters from all experience levels and are flexible to suit our student’s needs.  We are certified to administer the California Firearms Safety Certificate (FSC). Safety is our number one priority and we emphasize it in all of our courses. Our goal is to create a safe, educated, responsible community. 360 FST is family-friendly.

We have a lot of clients who feel that they don’t need training. They say they already know how to shoot. Sometimes people learn some very bad habits without realizing it. At 360 FST we take the approach and evaluate every student. Our mission is to help our students become better and more efficient in their handling and shooting of their firearms.


Our Instructors have over 40 years of practical shooting experience including  concealed carry, competition, hunting and sport.

We believe that it is our right to the second amendment and your responsibility to have the necessary training to maintain the skill and mind set to own a firearm. We will help you with skill, mind set and training to stay proficient. We give you drills that you can practice at home to help with your training.

1754 Cabrillo Ave