What Kind Of Prepper Are YOU!

General Information

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There are essentially 11 different kinds of Preppers and Homesteaders:

    1. Survivalist
    2. Lone-Wolf Preppers
    3. Homesteaders
    4. Urban Preppers
    5. Bug-Out Preppers
    6. Rural Preppers
    7. Technical Preppers
    8. Medical Preppers
    9. Economic Preppers
    10. News and Current Event Preppers
    11. Community Preppers

This posting will provide information on the different types of preppers and homesteaders, and show you where to find additional information. Like other preppers, you are probably not just one type, rather, most preppers are a combination of more than one.

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A survivalist prepper is an individual who actively prepares for potential emergencies or disasters by stocking up on resources and developing skills to be self-sufficient in challenging situations. This preparation often involves creating a comprehensive plan that includes building a well-stocked pantry of non-perishable foods, water purification systems, and medical supplies.

Survivalist preppers might also invest in tools and equipment for alternative energy sources, such as solar panels or generators, to ensure they can maintain their living standards in the event of a power outage or societal collapse.


In addition to physical preparations, survivalist preppers often engage in training and education to enhance their practical skills. This might include learning first aid and basic medical procedures, mastering food preservation techniques like canning and dehydrating, and developing outdoor skills such as foraging, hunting, and fire-starting. Preppers may also engage in regular drills and simulations to test their readiness and adaptability in various scenarios, ensuring they can respond effectively under pressure.

The mindset of a survivalist prepper is typically characterized by a proactive approach to risk management and self-reliance. This involves not only preparing for natural disasters and economic downturns but also anticipating and mitigating potential threats to personal security and community stability.

While the concept of prepping can sometimes be viewed with skepticism, many preppers see it as a responsible approach to ensuring their own and their families’ safety in an unpredictable world.

Topics of Interest

Foraging, Off-grid living, Bushcraft, Water purification, Emergency preparedness, Self-defense, Renewable energy, Food preservation, Wilderness survival, and Community building.

YouTube Channels

Canadian Prepper – Hosted by Nate Polson, this channel covers survival situations and gear reviews, with a focus on physical fitness and resourcefulness. It’s the largest prepping channel on YouTube with over 1.26 million subscribers​​​​.

City Prepping – This channel, run by Kris, provides practical advice for urban preppers, covering short-term and long-term emergency scenarios with high-quality editing and engaging content​​​​.

Sensible Prepper (Sootch00) – Don Porter, known as Sootch00, offers comprehensive gear reviews and survival hacks. His channel has a large following due to his thorough and practical approach to prepping​​​​.

Black Scout Survival – Jack Richland’s channel initially focused on wilderness survival but has expanded to include current events and preparedness advice, making it a well-rounded resource for preppers​​.

Survival Dispatch – A collaborative channel featuring over 20 survivalists, including well-known figures like Alan Kay, it provides diverse and useful survival information across various topics​​​​.

Full Spectrum Survival – Run by Brad Harris, this channel combines survival news, prepping advice, and gear reviews, with a focus on staying informed about potential threats​​​​.

Survival Lilly – Known for her engaging approach to wilderness survival, Lilly offers practical tutorials and outdoor survival skills, making her channel a favorite among bushcraft enthusiasts​​.

PreparedMind101 – Chris Tanner’s channel focuses on unbiased gear reviews, survival tips, and outdoor adventures, providing valuable information for preppers looking to invest in the right equipment​​.

The Urban Prepper – Cliff’s channel offers a unique perspective on urban prepping, with videos on building survival kits and practical preparedness tips tailored for city dwellers​​.

Engineer775 – Scott Hunt’s channel specializes in practical storage solutions and off-grid living skills, blending engineering expertise with survival preparedness​​.


Lone Wolf Preppers

A lone-wolf prepper is an individual who prepares for emergencies and disruptions with a focus on self-reliance and independence, often choosing to operate alone rather than within a group or community.

This type of prepper prioritizes personal preparedness by assembling a comprehensive stockpile of supplies and equipment necessary for survival, such as food, water, medical supplies, and tools. Their approach is centered on ensuring they can manage and sustain themselves without relying on external help, making them highly self-sufficient and capable of handling a variety of scenarios independently.

In addition to gathering supplies, lone-wolf preppers invest significant time and effort in developing a wide range of survival skills. This may include training in areas such as wilderness survival, self-defense, first aid, and advanced navigation techniques. They often practice and refine these skills through solo drills and simulations to ensure they can respond effectively to emergencies.

Lone-wolf preppers may also design and fortify their living spaces to enhance security and resilience, creating a self-contained environment that supports their preparedness goals.


The mindset of a lone-wolf prepper revolves around autonomy and personal control, with a strong emphasis on being prepared for any situation without depending on others. They often value privacy and discretion, carefully managing their preparedness efforts to maintain a low profile. While their approach can provide a high degree of self-sufficiency and flexibility, it also requires a high level of discipline and resourcefulness, as they must be prepared to handle all aspects of their preparedness plan independently.

Topics of Interest

Self-sufficiency, Solitary survival, Foraging, Stealth techniques, Minimalist living, Solo navigation, Primitive skills, Off-grid shelter, Water purification, and Tactical evasion.

YouTube Channels

Canadian Prepper – Nate Polson’s channel covers a wide range of survival situations and gear, emphasizing resourcefulness and physical fitness. It’s one of the largest prepping channels with over 1.26 million subscribers​​.

Survival Lilly – Lilly’s channel focuses on wilderness survival skills and bushcraft, making it a great resource for lone preppers looking to enhance their outdoor survival abilities​​.

Joe Robinet – Known for his love of bushcraft and outdoor adventures, Joe’s channel offers a wealth of knowledge on solo wilderness survival and camping​​.

My Self Reliance – Shawn James shares his journey of building a self-reliant life in the Canadian wilderness, including constructing his own cabin and living off the land​​.

Donny Dust’s Paleo Tracks – Donny Dust, a USMC veteran, specializes in primitive survival skills and shares his extensive knowledge through his channel, making it ideal for those looking to master solo survival techniques​​.

Corporals Corner – Shawn Kelly’s channel offers practical survival tutorials and outdoor skills, with a focus on bushcraft and self-reliance​​.

Bushcraft Bear – This channel features a Hungarian outdoorsman who demonstrates a deep respect for nature and mastery of survival skills through silent, action-based videos​​.

Living Survival – Ben’s channel covers all aspects of survival, including gear reviews, bushcraft, camping, fishing, and hunting, which are essential for lone preppers​​.

Reality Survival – This channel covers a wide range of topics, including bushcraft, urban survival, and gear reviews, offering valuable insights for solo survivalists​​.

Nutnfancy – A popular channel that reviews a variety of survival gear, including backpacks, flashlights, guns, knives, and multi-tools, providing essential information for lone preppers​​.



Homesteaders are a type of prepper. In fact, I would suggest that many preppers start out as Survivalist Preppers but soon realize that in order to protect their families, they eventually move into homesteading.

A homestead prepper is someone who focuses on creating a self-sufficient and sustainable living environment, often on a rural property or farm. This lifestyle emphasizes the cultivation of crops, raising livestock, and implementing various self-sufficiency practices to reduce reliance on external resources.

Homestead preppers typically establish vegetable gardens, fruit orchards, and herb beds, and may also keep animals such as chickens, goats, or bees to provide fresh food and other essentials. Their goal is to achieve a high degree of independence by producing their own food, managing waste, and harnessing resources like rainwater.

farm-5663908_1280In addition to agricultural endeavors, homestead preppers often invest in skills and tools that support a sustainable lifestyle. This can include learning techniques for preserving food through canning, fermentation, or drying, as well as mastering woodworking, sewing, and other crafts.

Many homestead preppers also prioritize energy efficiency and may set up systems for renewable energy, such as solar panels or wind turbines, to reduce their dependence on conventional power grids. Their approach often includes building and maintaining structures that enhance their homestead’s functionality, like root cellars for food storage or greenhouses for year-round gardening.

The philosophy of a homestead prepper centers on the values of self-reliance, resilience, and environmental stewardship. By focusing on sustainable practices and hands-on skills, they aim to create a lifestyle that minimizes their impact on the environment while maximizing their ability to weather disruptions and challenges.

This lifestyle not only supports their immediate needs but also fosters a deeper connection to the land and a greater sense of personal fulfillment through the satisfaction of managing their own homestead.

Topics of Interest

Sustainable farming, Livestock management, Canning, Renewable energy, Organic gardening, DIY projects, Food preservation, Off-grid living, Self-reliance, and Herbal medicine.

YouTube Channels

Wranglerstar – Cody Crone, known as Wranglerstar, has a vast following due to his detailed videos on traditional skills, tool reviews, and homesteading projects. With over 2.51 million subscribers, his content is a go-to for anyone interested in a mix of homesteading and DIY projects​​.

Off Grid with Doug & Stacy – Doug and Stacy live completely off-grid, showcasing a pioneer lifestyle without modern utilities like solar power or public water. Their practical tips on homesteading and self-sufficiency have attracted a substantial audience​​​​.

Wild Wonderful Off-Grid – This channel follows Josh and Erin as they build an A-frame home and raise their three kids in West Virginia. Their engaging content on off-grid living and family-oriented projects has garnered them a large following​​​​.

Justin Rhodes – The Justin Rhodes Show focuses on family-friendly homesteading, involving kids in various projects around their homestead. The channel offers a wealth of knowledge on gardening, animal husbandry, and sustainable living​​.

Bushradical – Dave Whipple’s channel highlights off-grid cabin builds, including drilling wells and adding solar power systems. His content is ideal for those looking to build and improve off-grid structures​​.

Arms Family Homestead – This family-centric channel from Oklahoma shares their journey towards self-sufficiency, including gardening, raising animals, and DIY projects. The channel is known for its relatable and engaging content​​​​.

Homesteading Family – Josh and Carolyn provide a wealth of information on gardening, preserving food, and traditional cooking. Their focus on family and self-sufficiency makes them a popular choice among homesteaders​​.

Life Uncontained – This channel documents a couple’s journey to live debt-free in a net-zero shipping container home in Texas. Their honest and humorous approach to off-grid living has resonated with many viewers​​​​.

Lumnah Acres – Focused on modern homesteading, this channel covers a variety of projects and animals, offering practical advice on self-sufficiency and healthy living​​.

Guildbrook Farm – Combining homesteading with a prepper focus, this channel offers tips on raising livestock, farming, and building renewable energy systems while preparing for potential disasters​​.


Urban Preppers

An urban prepper is someone who prepares for emergencies and disruptions while living in a city or densely populated area. Unlike rural or homestead preppers, urban preppers focus on strategies that cater to the unique challenges of city living.

This involves creating a plan for managing resources in a confined space, which might include stockpiling essential supplies such as non-perishable food, water, and first aid materials in limited storage areas. Urban preppers often use creative solutions to maximize their available space, such as utilizing small apartments or high-rise buildings for efficient storage and organization.


In addition to stockpiling, urban preppers emphasize practical skills and tools that are relevant to an urban environment.

This can include learning urban gardening techniques to grow food in small spaces, such as container gardening on balconies or rooftop gardens. They might also focus on self-defense, emergency communication methods, and the ability to navigate city infrastructure during a crisis.

Urban preppers may build a network with neighbors and local community groups to establish mutual aid agreements and share resources or information during emergencies.

The ethos of an urban prepper revolves around adaptability and resilience in a high-density living environment. They recognize the unique risks associated with city life, such as potential disruptions to utilities, increased demand for resources, and challenges in maintaining personal security.

By preparing for these scenarios, urban preppers aim to ensure their safety and well-being while navigating the complexities of urban settings, ultimately seeking to create a sense of stability and control despite the unpredictability of modern city life.

Topics of Interest

Urban foraging, Home security, Water storage, Self-defense, Emergency communications, Urban gardening, Bug-out bags, Disaster planning, Resource caching, and Shelter-in-place strategies.

YouTube Channels

City Prepping – This channel is dedicated to helping urban dwellers prepare for crises and emergencies. Kris, the host, provides detailed tutorials and practical advice on urban survival, making it a top choice for city preppers​​.

The Urban Prepper – Focused on the unique challenges faced by city dwellers, The Urban Prepper offers practical and family-friendly preparedness strategies. The channel is known for its methodical approach to planning and organization​​.

PreparedMind101 – Hosted by Chris Tanner, this channel offers gear reviews, survival tips, and outdoor adventures. It’s a valuable resource for urban preppers looking to invest in the right equipment​​.

Full Spectrum Survival – Brad and Kelly host this channel, which provides daily survival news, prepping advice, and gear reviews. It focuses on keeping viewers informed about potential threats and how to prepare for various disaster scenarios​​.

Sensible Prepper (Sootch00) – Don Porter, known as Sootch00, runs this channel offering creative prepping ideas using common household items. It’s a great resource for practical, everyday preparedness tips​​.

Survival On Purpose – Bryan Stevens hosts this channel, sharing practical tips and gear reviews relevant to everyday people. The content covers a wide range of topics, from basic camping skills to advanced survival techniques​​.

Engineer775 – Scott Hunt’s channel is excellent for setting up longer-term solutions for survival, including water storage, heating, and construction projects. It’s geared towards those planning to stay put post-SHTF​​.

MD Prepper – This channel offers short reviews of survival food, gear, and guns, providing practical advice for urban preppers looking to enhance their emergency preparedness kits​​.

Reality Survival – Covering a wide range of topics, including bushcraft and urban survival, this channel provides comprehensive reviews of gear, kits, knives, and tools, making it a valuable resource for urban preppers​​.

Nutnfancy – A popular channel that focuses on reviews of backpacks, flashlights, guns, knives, and multi-tools. It offers detailed evaluations of survival gear, which are crucial for urban preppers​​.


Bug-Out Preppers

A bugout prepper is someone who plans and prepares for situations where they need to rapidly evacuate their home or current location in response to an imminent threat or disaster. This type of prepper focuses on creating a comprehensive bugout plan, which includes identifying safe locations to retreat to, such as remote cabins, survival shelters, or friends’ homes in less affected areas.

They often have multiple bugout routes and contingencies in place to ensure they can reach their safe haven under various circumstances.


Central to a bugout prepper’s strategy is the assembly of a “bugout bag” or emergency kit. This bag typically contains essential items needed for survival over an extended period, such as food, water, first aid supplies, tools, clothing, and personal safety equipment. The contents are carefully selected to be lightweight and portable, allowing the prepper to carry everything they might need if they have to leave quickly.

The goal is to be able to live off these supplies while traveling or once they reach their designated safe location.

Bugout preppers also focus on developing skills and knowledge that enhance their ability to survive in the wild or in unfamiliar environments. This includes training in navigation, wilderness survival techniques, and self-defense. They often practice drills to improve their speed and efficiency in bugging out, ensuring they can execute their plan effectively when a real emergency arises.

By preparing thoroughly, bugout preppers aim to be ready for any situation that demands immediate evacuation and to ensure their safety and resilience in unpredictable and challenging circumstances.

Topics of Interest

Bug-out bags, Evacuation routes, Portable shelters, Survival gear, Navigation skills, Emergency rations, Water filtration, Fire-starting tools, Tactical backpacks, Emergency communication.

YouTube Channels

Canadian Prepper – Nate Polson’s channel emphasizes survival situations and gear reviews, with a focus on physical fitness and resourcefulness. It is the largest prepping channel on YouTube with over 1.26 million subscribers​​​​.

City Prepping – Kris, the host, provides detailed tutorials and practical advice for urban survival, making it a valuable resource for city preppers. His engaging videos help viewers prepare for crises and emergencies​​.

Sensible Prepper (Sootch00) – Don Porter runs this channel, offering creative prepping ideas using common household items and reviewing survival gear. It’s a great source for practical and everyday preparedness tips​​.

Black Scout Survival – Jack Richland’s channel covers a range of topics from wilderness survival to current events and preparedness advice, making it a well-rounded resource for preppers​​.

Survival Dispatch – This collaborative channel features over 20 survivalists sharing diverse and useful survival information. It’s known for its comprehensive content and contributions from well-known figures in the preparedness community​​​​.

Full Spectrum Survival – Brad and Kelly offer daily survival news, prepping advice, and gear reviews, focusing on keeping viewers informed about potential threats and preparing for various disaster scenarios​​.

Survival Lilly – Known for her practical approach to wilderness survival, Lilly’s channel is a favorite for those interested in outdoor skills and bushcraft​​.

Corporals Corner – Run by Shawn Kelly, this channel offers survival and bushcraft tutorials along with gear reviews and survival challenges, focusing on practical real-world survival skills​​.

PreparedMind101 – Chris Tanner’s channel focuses on unbiased gear reviews, survival tips, and outdoor adventures, providing valuable information for preppers looking to invest in the right equipment​​.

The Provident Prepper – Kylene and Jonathan offer practical advice on emergency preparedness, self-reliance, and provident living, making their channel a valuable resource for those looking to enhance their preparedness journey​​.


Rural Preppers

A rural prepper is someone who lives in a countryside or semi-rural area and focuses on preparing for emergencies and self-sufficiency in a less urbanized environment. Their approach is tailored to the unique advantages and challenges of rural living, such as greater access to open space and natural resources.

Rural preppers typically invest in extensive gardening and farming practices to grow their own food, raising livestock such as chickens, pigs, or goats for additional sustenance. They also emphasize building and maintaining infrastructure like wells for water, root cellars for food storage, and greenhouses for extending the growing season.


In addition to agricultural and self-sufficiency efforts, rural preppers often acquire and hone skills that are vital for living in more isolated or less developed areas. This includes learning how to repair and maintain equipment, manage natural resources effectively, and address medical needs with limited access to professional healthcare.

They might also focus on creating and safeguarding personal security measures, such as fortifying their property or establishing community networks with nearby neighbors for mutual support during crises.

The mindset of a rural prepper revolves around independence and resilience, with a strong emphasis on being prepared for a range of potential disruptions. They seek to create a sustainable and self-reliant lifestyle that reduces their dependence on external systems and enhances their ability to cope with emergencies.

By leveraging the benefits of their rural environment, rural preppers aim to build a secure and self-sufficient homestead that can withstand various challenges and support them through unforeseen events.

Topics of Interest

Rural foraging, Livestock care, Water wells, Woodworking, Off-grid energy, Canning and preserving, Hunting skills, Land management, Herbal remedies, and Self-sufficient living.

YouTube Channels

Canadian Prepper – Nate Polson covers survival situations and gear, focusing on resourcefulness and physical fitness. It’s one of the largest prepping channels with over 1.26 million subscribers​​​​.

City Prepping – While primarily focused on urban prepping, Kris provides practical advice that can also be adapted for rural settings. His well-edited and informative videos have garnered a large following​​​​.

Sensible Prepper (Sootch00) – Don Porter’s channel offers practical prepping advice, gear reviews, and survival hacks, making it a staple for both urban and rural preppers​​​​.

Survival Dispatch – This collaborative channel features over 20 survivalists sharing a wide range of useful survival information, from wilderness skills to tactical preparedness​​.

Full Spectrum Survival – Brad and Kelly provide daily survival news, prepping advice, and gear reviews, focusing on keeping viewers informed about potential threats and how to prepare for various scenarios​​.

Engineer775 (Practical Preppers) – Scott Hunt’s channel is perfect for those looking to set up longer-term survival solutions. His videos cover topics like water storage, heating, and constructing out-buildings, ideal for those planning to stay put post-SHTF​​.

Corporals Corner – Run by Shawn Kelly, this channel offers survival and bushcraft tutorials along with gear reviews and survival challenges, focusing on practical, real-world skills​​.

Living Survival – Ben’s channel covers all aspects of survival, including bushcraft, camping, fishing, hunting, and regular gear reviews, making it a comprehensive resource for rural preppers​​.

MD Prepper – This channel offers short reviews of survival food, gear, and guns, providing practical advice for enhancing emergency preparedness kits​​.

The Provident Prepper – Kylene and Jonathan’s channel offers practical advice on emergency preparedness, self-reliance, and provident living, making it a valuable resource for enhancing preparedness in rural settings​​.


Technical Preppers

A technical prepper is someone who focuses on leveraging advanced technology and technical skills to prepare for emergencies and enhance their self-sufficiency. This approach involves integrating modern gadgets, digital tools, and high-tech systems into their preparedness plans.

Technical preppers often invest in items such as solar-powered chargers, portable data storage devices, and advanced communication systems like ham radios or satellite phones to ensure they can stay informed and connected during a crisis. They may also use specialized software for managing their resources, tracking potential threats, and planning for various scenarios.


Beyond just acquiring technology, technical preppers emphasize the importance of understanding and maintaining these tools. They often have expertise in areas like electronics repair, cybersecurity, and programming, allowing them to troubleshoot and optimize their gear when necessary.

Their skill set may also include setting up and maintaining off-grid power systems, such as solar panels or wind turbines, to ensure a reliable energy source in emergencies. The ability to adapt and innovate with technology is a central aspect of their strategy, providing them with an edge in managing complex situations.

The ethos of a technical prepper centers on the belief that technology can significantly enhance preparedness and resilience. By integrating cutting-edge tools and digital solutions into their plans, they aim to improve their ability to respond to emergencies efficiently and effectively.

This approach not only helps them stay ahead of potential disruptions but also ensures they can maximize their self-reliance in an increasingly connected world, combining traditional prepper skills with modern technological advancements to create a robust and adaptable preparedness strategy.

Topics of Interest

Alternative energy, Solar power systems, Water filtration technology, Communication devices, Renewable energy sources, Emergency power generators, DIY electronics, Cybersecurity, Drone technology, and Automated systems.

YouTube Channels

Magic Prepper – Known for his information videos explaining MVEs (Most Valuable Equipment) and current events, Magic Prepper provides detailed insights into technical gear and its applications in survival situations​​.

PreparedMind101 – Chris Tanner’s channel focuses on detailed gear reviews, survival tips, and outdoor adventures. It’s a valuable resource for preppers looking to invest in the right technical equipment​​​​.

Commsprepper – Specializing in amateur radio (ham radio) for emergency communications, this channel offers straightforward, informational content without delving into politics or weapons. It’s perfect for preppers interested in maintaining communication during emergencies​​​​.

The Tech Prepper – This channel specializes in ham radio, battery/solar projects, and other tech-related survival skills, making it a go-to for preppers who want to incorporate modern technology into their plans​​.

Black Scout Survival – Jack Richland’s channel covers a range of topics from tactical survival skills to reviewing high-tech gear, making it a well-rounded resource for technical preppers​​.

Canadian Prepper – Nate Polson’s channel is the largest prepping channel on YouTube. It covers a wide range of topics including survival gear reviews and survival situations, making it a valuable resource for those interested in technical preparedness​​​​.

City Prepping – Kris offers highly edited, informative videos that make complex prepping information accessible and engaging. The channel covers a broad spectrum of preparedness topics, including urban and technical survival strategies​​​​.

Sensible Prepper (Sootch00) – Don Porter’s channel features a plethora of gear reviews and survival hacks. His practical advice on utilizing common household items for survival makes it a favorite among technical preppers​​​​.

Full Spectrum Survival – Hosted by Brad and Kelly, this channel offers daily survival news, prepping advice, and gear reviews. It’s particularly known for keeping viewers informed about potential threats and how to prepare for them using technical skills and resources​​​​.

Survival Dispatch – This collaborative channel includes contributions from over 20 survivalists, providing a wide range of technical survival information. It’s a great resource for in-depth knowledge and diverse perspectives on preparedness​​.

The Tech Prepper – This channel focuses on topics related to preparedness with a technical twist, such as ham radio, battery/solar projects, and other tech-related survival skills. It’s ideal for those who want to integrate modern technology into their prepping strategies​​.

Engineer775 (Practical Preppers) – Scott Hunt’s channel is geared towards setting up long-term survival solutions, such as water storage and heating systems. It’s an excellent resource for those planning to fortify their compound and become self-sufficient​​.


Medical Preppers

A medical prepper is someone who focuses on preparing for health-related emergencies and ensuring they have the necessary resources and skills to address medical needs during crises. This type of prepper prioritizes building a comprehensive medical kit that includes a wide range of supplies such as first aid materials, medications, and diagnostic tools.

Their kit often features items like bandages, antiseptics, sutures, pain relievers, and specialized medications for chronic conditions. Medical preppers also keep extensive records of their medical history, prescriptions, and any necessary medical documentation to manage health issues effectively during emergencies.


In addition to stocking supplies, medical preppers invest in acquiring and honing medical skills to handle a variety of health scenarios. This might include obtaining certifications in first aid, CPR, and advanced medical techniques. Some medical preppers also pursue training in areas such as wilderness medicine, trauma care, or even basic nursing skills to broaden their ability to address injuries and illnesses. They often practice and refine these skills through simulations and drills to ensure they can respond effectively under stress.

The philosophy of a medical prepper revolves around preparedness and self-sufficiency in managing health emergencies. They recognize that access to medical care might be limited or disrupted during a crisis and strive to mitigate these challenges by being well-equipped and knowledgeable.

By focusing on both the acquisition of medical supplies and the development of practical skills, medical preppers aim to provide comprehensive care for themselves and their families, ensuring they can handle health issues with confidence and competence during times of uncertainty.

Topics of Interest

First aid, Herbal medicine, Trauma care, Medical kits, Disease prevention, Emergency surgery, Vaccination, Natural remedies, Health monitoring, and Telemedicine.

YouTube Channels

PrepMedic – This channel is run by a critical care flight paramedic and tactical medic who shares valuable insights on medical preparedness, trauma care, and emergency medical procedures. It’s a top choice for anyone looking to enhance their medical skills for survival situations​​.

Skinny Medic – The official channel of Medical Gear Outfitters, Skinny Medic provides a mix of medical and general prepping videos, focusing on first aid, trauma care, and medical gear reviews. It’s an excellent resource for both beginners and experienced preppers​​.

Southern Prepper 1 – Although it covers a wide range of prepping topics, Southern Prepper 1 includes valuable content on medical preparedness and first aid, making it a well-rounded channel for preppers in the Southern United States​​.

The Provident Prepper – Kylene and Jonathan, the husband-and-wife team behind this channel, offer practical advice on emergency preparedness, including first aid and medical care. Their common-sense approach makes complex medical topics accessible to everyone​​.

The Tech Prepper – This channel focuses on integrating technology with prepping, including medical tech such as telemedicine, remote diagnostics, and high-tech first aid kits. It’s ideal for preppers who want to stay ahead with the latest medical technologies​​.

Full Spectrum Survival – Brad and Kelly cover a wide range of survival topics, including medical preparedness. Their daily survival news and advice include tips on handling medical emergencies during crises​​.

Reality Survival – This channel covers a broad spectrum of survival topics, including bushcraft, urban survival, and detailed reviews of medical kits, tools, and first aid procedures​​.

Sensible Prepper (Sootch00) – Don Porter’s channel features a variety of survival gear reviews and practical prepping tips, including medical supplies and first aid techniques. It’s a great resource for learning about creative medical solutions using common household items​​​​.

DEMCAD – Focused on disaster preparedness, this channel covers a wide range of topics, including medical and first aid skills. It’s particularly known for its emphasis on community preparedness and dealing with emergencies​​.

COMMS Prepper – While primarily focused on emergency communications, this channel also includes valuable content on medical preparedness and first aid in remote settings, making it a useful resource for comprehensive emergency planning​​.


Economic Preppers

An economic prepper is an individual who focuses on preparing for financial instability or economic disruptions by developing strategies to ensure financial security and stability during crises. This approach involves building a robust financial cushion, often through savings and investments that can withstand economic downturns.

Economic preppers typically diversify their assets to include cash reserves, precious metals like gold and silver, and other forms of wealth preservation that can maintain value in times of inflation or currency devaluation. They also pay close attention to debt management and strive to minimize liabilities to reduce financial vulnerability.


In addition to financial preparedness, economic preppers emphasize creating and maintaining multiple income streams to safeguard against job loss or income disruption. This might include pursuing side businesses, freelance work, or investing in skills and training that enhance their employability. They often develop a detailed budget and financial plan that accounts for potential emergencies and unexpected expenses, ensuring they have a clear strategy for managing their finances under various scenarios.

Economic preppers may also engage in barter and trade networks, preparing for a future where traditional monetary systems might be less reliable.

The mindset of an economic prepper revolves around foresight and resilience in the face of economic challenges. By focusing on financial preparedness and adaptability, they aim to create a stable foundation that can support them through periods of economic uncertainty.

Their approach is designed to mitigate the risks associated with financial disruptions and ensure they can maintain their standard of living and achieve long-term financial security, even when faced with unforeseen economic events.

Topics of Interest

Bartering, Precious metals, Stockpiling, Inflation hedging, Economic collapse, Resource allocation, Financial planning, Debt management, Self-sufficiency, and Alternative currencies.

YouTube Channels

Neil McCoy-Ward – Neil McCoy-Ward discusses economic trends, real estate, and financial strategies to help viewers prepare for economic uncertainties. His videos often cover topics like inflation, investment strategies, and economic forecasts. He provides actionable advice on protecting assets, diversifying investments, and understanding macroeconomic trends to build financial resilience.

Trends journal (Gerald Celente) – Gerald Celente’s Trends Journal focuses on identifying and analyzing economic and social trends to forecast future events and their financial implications. The channel offers insights into global economic conditions, political developments, and market trends. Celente provides advice on how to navigate economic challenges, invest wisely, and prepare for potential financial crises.

J Bravo – J Bravo’s channel is centered on financial education, with a strong emphasis on investing, stock market analysis, and economic trends. He offers tutorials on stock trading, real estate investing, and personal finance management. J Bravo provides strategies for building wealth, protecting investments, and understanding market dynamics to enhance financial preparedness.

Economic Ninja – Economic Ninja covers a wide range of topics related to economic preparedness, including investing, market analysis, and financial news. The channel provides practical tips on budgeting, investing in precious metals, and understanding economic indicators. Economic Ninja aims to educate viewers on how to safeguard their finances and make informed investment decisions in volatile economic times.

Graham Stephan – This channel focuses on personal finance, real estate investing, and entrepreneurship. Graham Stephan provides insights into budgeting, saving money, investing in the stock market, and real estate, making it a comprehensive resource for financial preparedness​​.

Andrei Jikh – Known for his engaging style, Andrei Jikh covers personal finance, investing, and financial literacy, with a particular focus on cryptocurrency and stock market investments. His channel is ideal for preppers looking to understand modern financial instruments and strategies​​.

Meet Kevin – Kevin Paffrath’s channel offers in-depth analysis of finance, real estate, and investing. He provides real-time market updates, financial news, and investment strategies, helping viewers stay informed about economic trends and how to navigate them​​.

The Plain Bagel – Richard Coffin’s channel simplifies complex financial concepts with clear and concise videos. Topics include investing basics, market trends, and financial planning, making it accessible for viewers looking to enhance their economic preparedness​​.

Whiteboard Finance – Created by Marko Zlatic, this channel provides clear explanations on a variety of financial topics, from personal finance to economic education. Marko’s straightforward teaching style makes complex concepts easy to understand​​.

The Minority Mindset – Jaspreet Singh’s channel focuses on financial education and empowerment, covering topics such as stock market investing, real estate, cryptocurrency, and building passive income streams. It’s aimed at helping viewers adopt a financial mindset that prioritizes independence​​.

Joseph Carlson – The Joseph Carlson Show focuses on personal finance, investing, and wealth-building strategies. Joseph provides in-depth stock market analysis and updates on his own investment portfolio, making it a transparent resource for economic preppers​​.

Humphrey Yang – Humphrey Yang simplifies complex financial concepts and provides practical advice on budgeting, saving, investing, and achieving financial independence. His channel is a valuable resource for those looking to build a solid financial foundation​​.

Full Spectrum Survival – While primarily a survival channel, Brad and Kelly also cover economic preparedness topics, offering advice on how to prepare for financial crises and economic disruptions​​.


News and Current Event Preppers

This is a fairly new category of Prepper made popular by social media platforms like YouTube and Rumble.


News and Current Event Preppers are individuals who actively monitor and analyze news and current events to prepare for potential crises or disasters. These preppers stay informed about global, national, and local news, including

economic trends, political developments, natural disasters, and social issues. They use this information to anticipate potential threats and take proactive measures to protect themselves, their families, and their communities.

Topics of Interest

Global conflicts, Economic trends, Natural disasters, Pandemic updates, Government policies, Cybersecurity threats, Climate change, Technological advancements, Social unrest, and Energy crises.

YouTube Channels

Redacted – One of the best news and current event channels! The Redacted channel focuses on current events, geopolitical analysis, and their implications for personal and financial preparedness. Redacted discusses economic trends, financial risks, and strategies for protecting assets. The channel often highlights the importance of diversifying investments, understanding global financial systems, and preparing for economic downturns.

Steve Poplar Report – Honest Steve. Covers things that no other channels will cover. An honest and god loving man who wants to help others. I like the local alerts and food shortage videos.

Steve Poplar’s channel, often known for its straightforward approach, covers a range of topics related to prepping, with a significant focus on economic and financial preparedness. Steve discusses practical steps for preparing financially for uncertain times. This includes building emergency funds, reducing unnecessary expenses, and investing wisely.

The channel provides analysis of economic news, market trends, and potential financial threats. Steve emphasizes the importance of staying informed about economic indicators and government policies that could affect personal finances.

In addition to financial advice, the channel covers broader prepping topics such as food storage, self-sufficiency, and community preparedness, linking these to financial stability and resilience.

Valuetainment – Founded by Patrick Bet-David, this channel blends educational and motivational content aimed at entrepreneurs. It covers business strategy, personal development, and economic events, providing valuable insights for those looking to enhance their economic resilience​​.

The Jimmy Dore Show – Jimmy Dore offers a critical perspective on politics, media, and current events, often focusing on issues overlooked by mainstream outlets.

Tucker Carlson – Need I say more? My favorite all time journalist.

The Young Turks (TYT) – A progressive news and commentary channel, TYT covers a wide range of political and social issues, offering in-depth analysis and discussions.

Tim Pool (Timcast) – Tim Pool provides independent news coverage with a focus on politics, social issues, and current events, often broadcasting live reports from the field.

Breaking Points – Hosted by Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, this channel offers a balanced perspective on news and politics, combining progressive and conservative viewpoints.

Secular Talk – Hosted by Kyle Kulinski, this channel provides progressive commentary on politics, economics, and current events, often critiquing both major political parties.

The Hill’s Rising – While associated with The Hill, Rising features independent-minded hosts who provide a wide range of viewpoints on current political and social issues.

The Rubin Report – Hosted by Dave Rubin, this channel focuses on free speech and open dialogue, featuring interviews with a variety of guests on current events and social issues.

Next News Network – This channel offers conservative-leaning news and commentary, focusing on political developments and social issues in the U.S.

The Grayzone – This channel is known for its investigative journalism, covering topics related to foreign policy, politics, and media critique, often challenging mainstream narratives.


Community Preppers

A community prepper is an individual who prioritizes collective preparedness and resilience within their local community. Recognizing that a strong and coordinated community can enhance overall safety and recovery during emergencies, community preppers focus on fostering collaboration and mutual support among neighbors. This involves organizing and participating in local preparedness groups, establishing communication networks, and developing community-wide plans for emergencies such as natural disasters, economic crises, or other disruptions.

Community preppers often work to create shared resources, such as emergency supply caches or communal shelters, to ensure that all members have access to essential items and support when needed.


In addition to organizing and planning, community preppers emphasize the importance of building strong relationships and trust within their community. They often engage in educational initiatives to raise awareness about emergency preparedness, offering workshops and training sessions on topics like first aid, survival skills, and disaster response.

By fostering a culture of preparedness, they aim to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to contribute effectively during crises. Community preppers also work to create support systems for vulnerable populations, such as the elderly or those with special needs, ensuring that everyone in the community has access to assistance and resources.

The ethos of a community prepper revolves around the belief that collective efforts can significantly enhance resilience and recovery. By focusing on the strengths and capabilities of the community as a whole, they aim to build a network of support that can effectively address and overcome challenges.

This approach not only prepares the community for emergencies but also strengthens social bonds and promotes a sense of solidarity, ultimately creating a more robust and adaptable environment capable of weathering a variety of disruptions together.

Topics of Interest

Mutual aid, Resource sharing, Group training, Community gardens, Security protocols, Skill sharing, Emergency plans, Communication networks, Leadership roles, and Cooperative living.

YouTube Channels

Prepping Communities – Natural Born Prepper’s channel focuses on how all types of preppers need to come together to help one another. He created a secure and private platform for preppers to join prepping communities and groups, to help them connect, prepare and share information.

Magic Prepper – Known for his information videos explaining MVEs (Most Valuable Equipment) and current events, Magic Prepper provides detailed insights into technical gear and its applications in survival situations​​.

Engineer775 (Practical Preppers) – Scott Hunt’s channel focuses on setting up long-term survival solutions like water storage, heating systems, and other infrastructure projects essential for community preparedness​​​​.

Southern Prepper 1 – This channel offers practical prepping solutions and DIY projects aimed at creating sustainable systems and enhancing community resilience. Topics include building rainwater collection systems and solar power setups​​​​.

The Urban Prepper – Focuses on emergency preparedness in urban environments, providing detailed tutorials, gear reviews, and project demonstrations tailored for community prepping in city settings​​​​.

Survival On Purpose – Bryan Stevens shares practical tips and gear reviews for general preparedness, drawing from his experience as a Boy Scout leader. The channel is accessible and relevant for group prepping​​​​.

Big Family Homestead – Brad and Christa offer solid information on domestic skills such as food cultivation, solar applications, and farming, which are crucial for community prepping and sustainable living​​.

Jnull0 – Covers day-to-day life on a large homestead, including butchering animals, cooking, and canning, making it a valuable resource for group prepping in rural settings​​.

Linda’s Pantry – Focuses on gardening, canning, and survival cooking, providing high-quality instructional videos that are essential for community food security​​.

Maineprepper – This channel provides information on weapons, security, and construction projects, emphasizing tactical awareness and military-like planning, which can be beneficial for community preparedness​​.

Prepper Recon – Features podcasts and interviews with prepping experts, economists, and survivalists, offering a wealth of information on community preparedness strategies and economic resilience​​.

Big Family Homestead – Focuses on practical domestic skills such as food cultivation, animal farming, and solar power, which are essential for creating a self-sufficient and resilient community​​.



Understanding the difference between Preppers and Homesteaders




The Top 10 Prepper Skills – Prioritized by Life Sustainment








Survivalist Prepper: What is a Prepper? Different Types of Preppers




M.D. Creekmore: These 10 Types of Preppers Will Die First When SHTF





