The Ultimate Prepper’s Stockpile: 100 Essential Items You Need to Survive Survival Items for Preppers!

General Information


In an unpredictable world, being prepared can make all the difference. Whether you’re preparing for natural disasters, economic collapse, or any other crisis, having the right supplies on hand is crucial. Building a comprehensive stockpile is a key part of any preparedness plan, ensuring that you and your loved ones can weather the storm—whatever it may be. Here’s a breakdown of 100 essential items every prepper should consider stockpiling, each with a brief explanation of why it’s so important.

Most Important 100 Items listed alphabetically:

  1. Adhesive Bandages: These are essential for covering minor cuts and wounds to prevent infection. In a survival situation, even small injuries can become dangerous without proper care.
  2. Alcohol (Rubbing): Rubbing alcohol is vital for disinfecting wounds and surfaces. It can also be used to sterilize medical instruments and as a cleaning agent.
  3. Aloe Vera Gel: Useful for treating burns, including sunburns, and soothing skin irritations. In a scenario where medical supplies are limited, this natural remedy can provide relief and promote healing.
  4. Antibiotics (OTC & Prescribed): Having a supply of antibiotics can be life-saving in treating bacterial infections when medical help is not readily available.
  5. Antifungal Cream: This cream is important for treating fungal infections, which can thrive in damp, unsanitary conditions, especially in long-term survival situations.
  6. Antiseptic Wipes: These wipes are crucial for cleaning wounds, hands, and surfaces to prevent the spread of germs and infections.
  7. Batteries (Various Sizes): Stockpiling a variety of battery sizes is important for powering essential devices like flashlights, radios, and other electronic tools in a grid-down situation.
  8. Blankets: In a survival situation, warmth is critical. Blankets can provide necessary insulation against the cold, especially if heating is unavailable.
  9. Bleach (Unscented): Bleach is essential for disinfecting water and cleaning surfaces. A small amount can purify large quantities of water, making it safe for drinking.
  10. Bottled Water: Water is the most critical element for survival. Having a large supply of bottled water ensures that you have a clean, uncontaminated source of hydration.
  11. Buckets: Buckets are versatile tools for water collection, storage, and sanitation. They can be used for washing clothes, collecting rainwater, or even as makeshift toilets.
  12. Candles: In the event of a power outage, candles provide a reliable light source. They are also useful for starting fires in emergency situations.
  13. Canned Food: Canned foods have a long shelf life and provide essential nutrients. They are easy to store and require minimal preparation, making them ideal for stockpiling.
  14. Canteen/Water Bottles: These are essential for carrying and storing water when you are on the move or when water sources are scarce.
  15. Cash (Small Denominations): In the event of an economic collapse or power outage, digital payments may not be an option. Having small bills on hand ensures you can trade for goods and services.
  16. Charcoal: Useful for cooking food when gas or electricity is unavailable, charcoal also has a long shelf life and can be used in water filtration systems.
  17. Chemical Hand Warmers: These provide instant heat and are essential for preventing hypothermia in cold environments.
  18. Clothing (Warm & Waterproof): Durable, warm, and waterproof clothing is essential for protection against the elements, especially in harsh weather conditions.
  19. Coffee/Tea: Having a stockpile of coffee and tea provides not only a source of comfort but also a means to stay alert and energized.
  20. Compasses: A reliable compass is crucial for navigation when GPS devices fail, ensuring you can find your way in unfamiliar terrain.
  21. Cooking Oil: Oil is essential for cooking and provides a source of fats, which are crucial for energy in a survival situation.
  22. Cordage (Paracord): Paracord is a versatile tool for building shelters, securing gear, and even for emergency medical situations like splinting a broken bone.
  23. Duct Tape: Duct tape is incredibly versatile and can be used for repairs, patching holes, creating waterproof seals, and even for first aid applications like securing bandages.
  24. Dust Masks: Dust masks protect against airborne particles, which can be critical during disasters like fires, pandemics, or dust storms.
  25. Emergency Blankets (Mylar): These space-saving blankets reflect body heat and are essential for preventing hypothermia in cold conditions.
  26. Emergency Radio (Hand-Crank or Solar): Staying informed during a crisis is crucial. An emergency radio allows you to receive weather updates, news, and emergency broadcasts without relying on electricity.
  27. Eyeglasses/Contacts: Having an extra pair of prescription eyeglasses or contacts ensures that you maintain clear vision, which is critical for safety and survival.
  28. Face Masks: In situations involving pandemics or high dust/smoke conditions, face masks help protect your respiratory system from harmful particles and pathogens.
  29. Fire Extinguisher: In a survival scenario, fire safety is paramount. A fire extinguisher can prevent small fires from becoming uncontrollable disasters.
  30. Fire Starters (Lighters, Matches, Flint): Reliable fire starters are essential for warmth, cooking, and signaling. Stockpile a variety to ensure you can start a fire in any condition.
  31. First Aid Kit: A comprehensive first aid kit is essential for treating injuries, preventing infections, and managing minor medical emergencies.
  32. Fishing Gear: Fishing gear provides a sustainable source of food in survival situations, especially when other food supplies run low.
  33. Flashlights: Flashlights are crucial for visibility at night or in dark conditions. Stockpile batteries or opt for hand-crank or solar-powered options.
  34. Flour: Flour is a versatile ingredient for baking bread and other staple foods. It has a long shelf life and is a key component of a survival food supply.
  35. Gardening Seeds: Seeds for vegetables and herbs provide a sustainable food source, allowing you to grow your own food in a long-term survival situation.
  36. Garbage Bags: These have multiple uses, including waste disposal, water collection, and as makeshift ponchos or ground covers.
  37. Gasoline (Stabilized): Gasoline is essential for powering generators, vehicles, and other machinery. Stabilized fuel lasts longer and is crucial for long-term preparedness.
  38. Gloves (Work & Medical): Work gloves protect your hands during manual labor, while medical gloves are essential for hygiene when treating injuries.
  39. Grain Mill: A manual grain mill allows you to process grains into flour or meal, providing a sustainable source of food.
  40. Hand Sanitizer: Hand sanitizer is critical for maintaining hygiene when water is scarce, helping to prevent the spread of germs and illness.
  41. Hand Tools (Multi-tool, Hammer, Saw, etc.): Basic hand tools are essential for repairs, building shelters, and other survival tasks.
  42. Honey: Honey is a natural sweetener with a virtually indefinite shelf life. It also has antibacterial properties, making it useful for treating wounds.
  43. Hunting Gear (Rifles, Bows, Traps): Hunting gear provides a means of obtaining fresh meat and fur, crucial for nutrition and warmth in survival situations.
  44. Hydration Bladder: A hydration bladder allows for easy water storage and transportation, especially during physical activity or travel.
  45. Insect Repellent: Protects against insect-borne diseases, which can be a significant threat in some survival situations.
  46. Iodine Tablets: These tablets are essential for purifying water and can also be used to protect the thyroid gland in the event of nuclear fallout.
  47. Journals & Pens: Keeping a journal can help track supplies, plan survival strategies, and maintain mental health. Writing tools are also useful for leaving notes or messages.
  48. Knives (Fixed Blade & Folding): A good knife is one of the most versatile tools in a survival situation, useful for everything from food preparation to self-defense.
  49. Lighters: Lighters are an essential fire-starting tool. Stockpile a large number to ensure you can start fires even if other methods fail.
  50. Machete: A machete is useful for clearing brush, chopping wood, and other heavy-duty tasks in a survival scenario.
  51. Manual Can Opener: If you’re stockpiling canned goods, a manual can opener is essential for accessing your food supply without relying on electricity.
  52. Maps (Local & Regional): Paper maps are crucial for navigation when digital systems fail. They help you plan routes and find resources.
  53. Matches (Waterproof): Waterproof matches are reliable fire starters, even in wet conditions. They are a critical backup to lighters and other fire-starting tools.
  54. Medicines (Pain Relievers, Anti-diarrheal, etc.): Stockpile essential over-the-counter medicines to manage common ailments when access to pharmacies is limited.
  55. Mess Kits: Mess kits include essential cooking and eating utensils, making food preparation and consumption more manageable in the field.
  56. Moist Towelettes: These are useful for personal hygiene, especially when water is limited, helping to keep you clean and prevent infections.
  57. MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat): MREs are complete, pre-packaged meals that have a long shelf life and provide balanced nutrition, ideal for emergency situations.
  58. Multivitamins: These help ensure you receive essential nutrients when your diet may be lacking in variety during a survival situation.
  59. N95 Masks: N95 masks protect against airborne particles, including viruses, bacteria, and dust, making them essential in pandemics or dusty environments.
  60. Needles & Thread: Useful for repairing clothing, gear, and even for emergency medical sutures, these are small but vital tools in a survival kit.
  61. Oil Lamps: Oil lamps provide a reliable source of light when electricity is unavailable. They can also produce a small amount of heat.
  62. Pain Relievers (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, etc.): Essential for managing pain from injuries, headaches, and other common ailments when medical help is not available.
  63. Paper Plates & Utensils: Disposable plates and utensils reduce the need for water in cleaning and are useful for serving food in emergencies.
  64. Peanut Butter: Peanut butter is a high-calorie, protein-rich food with a long shelf life, making it a valuable addition to your food stockpile.
  65. Personal Hygiene Products (Soap, Toothpaste, etc.): Maintaining personal hygiene is crucial for preventing illness and maintaining morale in survival situations.
  66. Pest Control (Traps, Insecticide): Pest control products help protect your food supply from rodents and insects, which can become a significant problem in survival situations.
  67. Plastic Sheeting: Plastic sheeting is versatile for creating shelters, waterproofing, and even for collecting rainwater or as a makeshift stretcher.
  68. Ponchos: Waterproof ponchos protect against rain and can double as emergency shelters, ground covers, or tarps.
  69. Potassium Iodide: These tablets protect the thyroid gland from radiation exposure, essential in the event of a nuclear incident.
  70. Powdered Milk: Powdered milk has a long shelf life and provides essential nutrients like calcium, making it a valuable addition to your food supply.
  71. Propane: Propane is a versatile fuel source for cooking, heating, and running certain appliances. It’s essential for off-grid living.
  72. Ramen Noodles: Ramen noodles are inexpensive, easy to prepare, and have a long shelf life, making them a convenient food option in emergencies.
  73. Rat Traps: In survival scenarios, rodents can become a significant problem, contaminating food and spreading disease. Rat traps help control this risk.
  74. Rice: Rice is a staple food with a long shelf life, providing a reliable source of carbohydrates and energy.
  75. Rope: Strong rope is essential for building shelters, securing loads, and a variety of other survival tasks.
  76. Safety Goggles: Protect your eyes from debris, dust, and chemicals, especially during manual labor or in hazardous environments.
  77. Salt: Salt is essential for preserving food, cooking, and even for treating wounds. It’s a key element of any long-term survival plan.
  78. Sanitary Napkins: In addition to their primary use, sanitary napkins can be used as makeshift bandages in first aid situations.
  79. Saw (Hand): A hand saw is essential for cutting wood for fire, building, or other survival needs when power tools are unavailable.
  80. Sewing Kit: A sewing kit is essential for repairing clothing, gear, and even for emergency medical suturing.
  81. Sharpening Stone: Keeping knives and tools sharp is critical for their effective use. A sharpening stone ensures your tools remain in good working condition.
  82. Shelter Building Materials (Tarps, Poles): Materials for building a shelter are essential for protection against the elements in a survival situation.
  83. Shovels (Hand & Full-Size): Shovels are essential for digging, whether for latrines, fire pits, or shelter construction.
  84. Sleeping Bags: A warm, durable sleeping bag is crucial for maintaining body heat in cold conditions, especially when sleeping outdoors.
  85. Solar Charger: A solar charger allows you to keep essential electronics powered, such as phones, radios, and flashlights, without relying on the grid.
  86. Space Blankets (Mylar): Space blankets are lightweight and reflective, helping to retain body heat in emergency situations.
  87. Spices & Herbs: These can enhance the flavor of your food and boost morale. Some herbs also have medicinal properties, which can be useful in survival scenarios.
  88. Staples (Sugar, Flour, Salt, etc.): Basic cooking staples are essential for preparing a variety of meals, providing energy, and preserving food.
  89. Sterno: Sterno is a portable heat source, ideal for cooking or heating food when other fuels are unavailable.
  90. Survival Manual: A comprehensive survival manual provides instructions and tips for dealing with various survival scenarios, from first aid to shelter building.
  91. Tampons: In addition to their primary use, tampons can be used for wound care or as fire starters in emergency situations.
  92. Tarps: Tarps are versatile tools for creating shelters, covering supplies, or collecting rainwater. They are lightweight and easy to pack.
  93. Thermal Underwear: Thermal underwear provides an additional layer of warmth, essential for preventing hypothermia in cold climates.
  94. Toilet Paper: Toilet paper is crucial for sanitation and comfort. In a long-term survival situation, a large supply will be highly valued.
  95. Tool Kit: A basic tool kit with items like hammers, screwdrivers, and pliers is essential for repairs and construction in survival situations.
  96. Toothbrush & Toothpaste: Oral hygiene is critical for preventing infections and maintaining overall health, even in a survival scenario.
  97. Water Filtration System: A reliable water filtration system is essential for ensuring that you have access to clean, safe drinking water in any situation.
  98. Water Storage Containers: Large, durable containers for storing water are crucial for ensuring a steady supply of clean water, especially if water sources are compromised.
  99. Waterproof Bags: Waterproof bags protect essential items from water damage, ensuring that food, clothing, and equipment stay dry.
  100. Whistle: A whistle is an essential signaling device for attracting attention or alerting others to danger, especially in search and rescue situations.