Shepherd’s Roost

General Information

At Shepherd’s Roost, we utilize Dexter cattle, a miniature, Irish-heritage cattle breed, grass fed, and finished on grass. Grass-fed, pasture-raised, or pastured beef has less saturated fat and is higher in omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid and antioxidants. Dexter can thrive on lower quality pasture due to their heritage of rocky Irish fields. According to Dave Lang in Butcher Magazine, “the smaller carcass size of the Dexter means that a 10oz steak will be thicker than one from a bigger animal. Thicker steaks are better for cooking if your preference is rare to medium.” Due to their smaller bone structure, Dexter cattle also dress out at a higher percentage than larger breeds, increasing the profitability of the operation. For savvy consumers looking for environmentally friendly, healthy beef, the Dexter is a great option.

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Shepherd's Roost
9570 County Road 19
United States