Niti The Farmacist

General Information

Niti Bali is the Founder and CEO of Farm to Fork Meat Riot, an Unincorporated Commercial Company serving as a catalyst for reestablishing the regenerative small family farm food system. Her strategically designed CFA program educates eaters to harness the power of life-giving force through regenerative foods. Niti’s Farm to Fork Meat Riot CFA simultaneously supports regenerative livestock production based on consumption that results in a zero-waste system.

This balanced program allows farmers, ranchers and artisans to operate with less risk and earn fair wages while growing their operations organically to fit the natural demand for this higher quality food.

Niti’s passion for sharing regenerative food began after her 2-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Esthesioneuroblastoma in 2007. Meenakshi underwent 5 rounds of toxic chemotherapy that did not stop the cancer. As a mother fighting for her child’s life, Niti embarked on a holistic mission to source the cleanest, most regenerative foods from local farms.

Although Niti cured Meenakshi’s cancer with real nutrient dense food, the damage to her vital structures from the chemo was too great and Meenakshi died September 13, 2009.
Since then, Niti has made it her mission to protect her family and others from the corporate food system.

Niti is developing regenerative farmers and regenerative consumers while producing educational media in the way of her podcast and interview show. She lives in Raleigh, NC with her husband and 2 surviving children and continues to challenge us one bite at a time.
