Know Prepare Survive

General Information

Well, hello! Welcome to Know Prepare Survive (we call it KPS), we’re so glad you stopped by.Survival and Prepper Blog Website

I’m sure you want to know more about the people behind the words. We’re just bunch of fun loving people who happen to be very interested in survival skills, cool knives, and prepping for whatever life may throw at us. Many of us grew up on Robinson Crusoe, MacGyver, and Swiss Family Robinson (has anyone else ever noticed that they have the same name?) so being able to get out of any situation and making use of our surroundings is something we’ve been preparing for (and will probably never stop) our whole lives.

ike many people involved in prepping and survivalism (and due to a brief stint of infamy after an ill-fated youtube video), we prefer to remain anonymous or use pseudonyms online. Many of the posts on KPS are not written by me (I’m Evan, by the way) but by one of the great guys and gals on our team. We don’t sign our articles but I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to spot my writing. I’m the smart-ass one. We might change this in the future but for now, it’s working.

That being said, if we do publish a guest post from a fellow prepper, we’ll be sure to let you know. And if you’d like to contribute something, head over to this page to check out our guidelines. We’d love to hear from you, even if it’s something we’ve already covered. Everyone has a unique perspective and you may find something that we missed or maybe you can explain it better. Either way, send us your idea!

So that’s about as much as I can write on an about page about people who don’t want you to know about them. We hope that you enjoy our posts and find our articles entertaining as well as informational. If you have any questions, concerns, or brownie recipes you’d like to share, hit us up Click Here

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