How to Throw a Knife: The Throw (Instructions for Right Handers)


The stance: your right foot is the back one (toes at distance mark), your left foot is in front, the gap
between the two is about two feet (your actual foot, not the measure). The heels are on a line. The two
feet form a 45° angel (left 12 o’clock, right 13:30 o’clock position) or wider. Both knees are bent,
especially the front one. The weight rests primarily on the ball of your back foot (behind your toes).
Both arms are straight and point to the target, which is in the height of the chest. The right arm now
makes a round and smooth swing to the back, the knife is even behind the head. Then it swings forward
towards the target, like you wanted to chop off some branch between you and the target. While swinging
forward, the weight is shifted to rest on the front foot, the chest follows this movement. The right
shoulder does not move, it remains in a (tilted) line with the left.

As the knife arm is about in line with the left one and points exactly to the target, quickly let the knife go and snap your fingers back together. Do not stop the swing of the throw, go on with the movement. This is called follow through and considered very important for a good stick.
