Homestead Cheesemakers Group

General Posting
I define homestead cheesemakers as cheesemakers who are milking their own animal, bringing that milk into the kitchen and processing dairy for their families.
Homestead Cheesemaking is so much more than just cheesemaking, it is about learning an art, developing new skills, getting tasks that must be done, done, and it is about incorporating milk processing into your daily life.
This is a group where aspiring and current, homestead cheesemakers may connect and learn from each other.
It is a safe space where we can share, ask questions that seem silly to ask, but need answered; A place where others experiences guide us, teach us, cheer for us.
At the end of the day, it is a space where, when that wheel of cheese finally is placed on your table, it is placed there not only by your own hands, but by the voices of a community that cheered you on the whole way.
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