End of Empire News – Because the Puzzle Has A Lot of Pieces.

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About this Blog

Just a word about this blog.
When the old LATOC went down and Matt stopped putting up the Breaking News page, we all sure did miss it. I wanted to do something to help and pick up the slack and so I started this blog.

To me, these news events are like bits of paint, each one bleeding into the other together making a picture, or like it says at the top of the blog, the puzzle has a lot of pieces.

All of these things linking together draw a picture for us of an Empire in decline, a way of life drawing to a close and making way perhaps for a new and hopefully better way of living.

I hope that the people who use this blog are not fearful, but instead see the unfolding picture as a “heads up” and use the time to make new arrangements.
I thank all the people who have so generously donated money to me, it has helped me so much. I’ll never be able to thank you enough.

And to people who send links and stories for us to read. I really thank you as well.
I hope that you continue to use and enjoy this blog, for as long as we are able.
