City Girl Farming Blog

General Information

The City Girl Farming Blog will teach you some of the best ways on how to grow your own food in the city, even with constricted spaced and animal limits. Nothing is impossible to achieve your homesteading dreams!

Topics Covered: Urban homesteading, gardening, animal raising, and recipes

Reconnecting to (the New) Old Fashioned Living

A lot of folks are searching for a way out. They are longing for re-connection to some of those old-fashioned ways.  A re-connection to their food sources by growing and raising more of their own food (and learning to preserve some of it too). A re-connection to managing their health with less dependence on doctors for minor, common problems, and less toxins in their lives. A re-connection to family and community where success isn’t always tied to how fast you’re moving or how high you’re climbing. It’s learning to be more self-sufficient and more intentional in our living.

Prepping Communities
