A Book For Midwives – Care For Pregnancy, Birth and Women’s Health


Susan Klein, Suellen Miller, and Fiona Thomson
Copyright © 2004, 2009, 2010 by the Hesperian Foundation. All rights reserved.

How to use this book
Finding information

To find information, use the Contents, the Index, or the Tabs. The Contents at the beginning of this book list the name of each chapter in the order in which it appears. Contents of each chapter are also listed at the beginning of that chapter.
The Index, or the yellow pages at the back of this book, lists all the topics covered in this book in the order of the alphabet (a, b, c, d…). Each page in this book has a number at the bottom. To find a chapter or topic in this book, find it in the contents or index, and then turn to the page number listed next to it.

Tabs on the right-hand pages separate most of the book into 5 sections.

You can quickly find the information on staying healthy, infection prevention, pregnancy, labor and birth (including postpartum), and on other health skills, by turning to the sections labeled with those tabs.
