What Kind Of Prepper Are YOU!

Introduction There are essentially 11 different kinds of Preppers and Homesteaders: Survivalist Lone-Wolf Preppers Homesteaders Urban Preppers Bug-Out Preppers Rural Preppers Technical Preppers Medical Preppers Economic Preppers News and Current Event Preppers Community Preppers This posting will provide information on the different types of preppers and homesteaders, and show you where to find additional information….

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Think you know about Prepping and Homesteading? Take one of 85 Different Tests and Find Out!

See All Tests! Test yourself now by selecting a quiz from one of the following categories! Survival Skills and Techniques Food and Water Security Shelter and Living Arrangements Energy and Power Health and Medical Preparedness Economic and Financial Preparedness Community and Social Structures Security and Defense Introduction In an increasingly unpredictable world, being prepared for…

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Exploring the World of Alternative Currencies: A Comprehensive Guide for Preppers

Test Your Skill – Take a Quiz on Alternative Currencies Introduction In an era of economic uncertainty and the growing desire for self-sufficiency, many are turning to alternative currencies as a means of ensuring financial stability in times of crisis. This blog will delve into the various forms of alternative currencies, their advantages, and the…

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Top 20 Most Popular Books on Prepping

Here are the top 20 most popular prepping books based on multiple sources: “Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival” by Dave Canterbury Covers essential wilderness survival skills and techniques​​​​. Amazon “SAS Survival Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Anywhere” by John Lofty Wiseman Comprehensive guide on wilderness and disaster survival…

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The Ultimate Prepper’s Stockpile: 100 Essential Items You Need to Survive Survival Items for Preppers!

Introduction In an unpredictable world, being prepared can make all the difference. Whether you’re preparing for natural disasters, economic collapse, or any other crisis, having the right supplies on hand is crucial. Building a comprehensive stockpile is a key part of any preparedness plan, ensuring that you and your loved ones can weather the storm—whatever…

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Why you should share your prepping and recruit others

https://theprepared.com/prepping-basics/guides/why-you-should-share-and-recruit-prepping/ When the modern prepper community really started growing during the 2008 financial crisis and presidential election, the unofficial rule was that you should keep your prepping totally hidden. Almost all of the bloggers and vloggers during that time used fake names, or handles like “ZombieDude12.” Some even disguised their faces when sharing videos or…

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Yankee Stacking

One New Englander trying to stack silver and gold the “Yankee Way”! Stack silver and gold to hedge against our debt-fueled, fiat currency-based economy that is in deep trouble. Preserve your purchasing power with precious metals–real money–as the only true store of financial wealth. Buy physical SILVER for potential barter material after the US dollar…

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Understanding the Differences Between Preppers and Homesteaders

Prepping Communities can be used by both Preppers and Homesteaders because they are both dedicated to self-sufficiency and preparedness, however, Preppers and Homesteaders differ slightly in their approaches and philosophies. Preppers Focus and Motivation: Preparedness for Disasters: Preppers primarily focus on preparing for various disaster scenarios, including natural disasters, economic collapse, societal breakdown, pandemics, and…

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