Radio Band Monitoring The How-To Guide


by T.J. “SKIP” AREY N2EI (ex WB2GHA)
Copyright (c) T. J. “Skip” Arey, 1997, 2003, 2010

Preface to the Third (Creative Commons) Edition.

When I received word from Paladin Press that the book was “remaindered” at the end of 2009 I was not all that surprised. Radio Monitoring had a great run! Two editions, several printings, thousands of copies in the hands of folks who wanted to learn how to have fun playing radio. A word to the wise… I have not (yet) taken steps to update any information from the time of the Second Edition. The world of radio keeps moving on. If you are a beginner to the hobby, I am confident you will still find tons of useful information and, at this stage of the game, the price is right (free). More experienced users will get some jollies out of the more dated material. So it goes.

A couple of “Shout Outs”, a term that wasn’t common at the time of the book’s initial publication.
Thanks to the North American Shortwave Association (NASWA) for being the first site to step up and agree to host this electronic edition of Radio Monitoring. Thanks to the ongoing Kulpsville Winter SWL Fest. This annual gathering of radio hobby folks has kept the faith during times of poor propagation (Read Chapter 26). Thanks to all the folks who actually bought the book over the years. I have always
been gratified and humbled by how many folks found their way to the hobby through Radio Monitoring.
