How To Register and Become a Member

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Registration to become a Member is quick and easy. By clicking on the link here, you will be taken to the Create New Account page as shown below.

Prepping Communities allows all Members to maintain their own level of anonymity on our website. We know how important it is that our Members want to control how much information is shared with other Members and their Community Groups.

Read the following registration field descriptions to see how you can use them on our website:

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Username: enter a unique username you wish to be identified with on our site. This is a required field and cannot be changed later.

Password: enter a password for your username. You are asked to enter your password again in order to verify the correct entry of your password.

Try to use a ‘strong’ password in order to keep secret from others. Use a combination of upper and lowercase alpha numeric characters, numbers and special characters. The Password is a required field and you can change this later in your Profile.

First Name, Last Name: enter your first name and last name. This is a required field and you can change this later in your Profile. We do not do any lookup or validation of your first and last name so for some people, these are really just a label by which you want to be known by, and you can put any values in here to identify yourself and remain anonymous. For example, ‘Prepper Mike’.

Email: enter your email address. This is a required field and cannot be changed after registration. Your email address is stored privately within Prepping Communities and it is up to you as to whether or not you want to share this information with other Members. Prepping Communities does not display your email address on any page.

Website: Enter your website if you have one. This is an optional field and you can change this in your profile after registration if you like.

Show Your Location on a Map: click Yes or No as to whether or not you want your location displayed on our Member Maps. The default is Yes so that other Members can find you close to where they live. We suggest leaving this as Yes but using a city level address as you Map Location if you do not want people to know your exact location.

Map Location: Some Members don’t mind showing their exact location on a map and others do. For Members who do not want their exact location known, but want other Members to know they are in the same area, we made the Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 field optional. For example, only the city/town is required and will place you on the Members Map in the center of that city or town.

Click on the Submit button to complete the registration process. You will be taken to you profile page where you can begin to add other information such as the avatar/photo you would like people to see you as, the Groups you belong to, and other information.

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